Sad winds will raise my pinnacle of power...

slave to the daily grind and slave to my own mind
Gladly believing in promises from above,
mass hypnosis; the price of entry
Pity suppressed, the ambitions are flying high,
rise to power, monopolizing the truth
Misplaced idealism, powerful criticism;
hatched out of the same egg,
I'm a pawn in their deadly game.
Φθινόπωρο 1942. Ο δεύτερος παγκόσμιος πόλεμος μαίνεται κι ένας νεαρός ξανθομάλλης στέλνεται στα ανατολικά σύνορα της Γερμανίας να πολεμήσει τον κόκκινο στρατό. Η ώρα της δόξας ήρθε. Ο εμπνευσμένος ηγέτης, η άρια φυλή, η τιμιότητα, η αγνότητα, η ανωτερότητα του πολιτισμού -του οποίου ο νεαρός αισθάνεται φορέας και φύλακας- θα συντρίψει τις δυνάμεις της παρακμής, της διαφθοράς, της μαλθακότητας. Τα σκοτάδια θα υποχωρήσουν κι ένας νέος χρυσός ήλιος θ' ανατείλει.
Ρίχθηκε στη μάχη με όρεξη, μ' ανδρεία. Όσο περνούσε ο καιρός όμως άρχισε ν' αμφιβάλλει. Οι αντιξοότητες, το ανυπόφορο κρύο, οι εικόνες φρίκης, η απώλεια συντρόφων, αυτοί οι αναθεματισμένοι οι Ρώσοι. Μα δεν ... τελειώνουν ποτέ; Κι άλλοι; Κι άλλοι; Πόσοι ακόμη; Που είναι η ανωτερότητα της πολεμικής μας μηχανής; Ψέματα μας έλεγαν τόσο καιρό; Ψέματα! Οι ''αλήθειες'' ενός παράφρονα. Κι εμείς τα πιόνια; Οι αναλώσιμοι; Το κρέας μπρος στη μηχανή του κιμά; Που είναι η δόξα; Ποιοί είναι οι ''κακοί''; Οι εχθροί ή αυτοί που μας μεγάλωσαν μες στο ψέμα;
Ο νεαρός στρατιώτης που ωρίμασε απότομα δεν έχει περιθώρια επιλογής. Θα συνεχίσει να πολεμά μέχρι το πικρό φινάλε υπερασπιζόμενος αυτούς που του έταξαν χρυσάφι για να βρει μόνο άμμο, που του υποσχέθηκαν το στεφάνι της ξανθιάς δόξας για να βιώσει μόνο φρίκη και θλίψη, που τον ''έστεψαν'' υπερασπιστή της αλήθειας για να συνειδητοποιήσει πως είναι μονάχα πιόνι της προπαγάνδας. Θα συνεχίσει να πολεμά μέχρι το τέλος βασανιζόμενος απ' τα ηθικά διλήμματα σκοτώνοντας τους εχθρούς, οι οποίοι πιθανά έχουν πέσει κι εκείνοι θύματα της δικής τους προπαγάνδας. Μόνος μέχρι το πικρό τέλος...
Pain within, the final act begins
We are in command but not in control
Lavish parade of helpless dying frames
The land of dark forests is facing the end
Save me from this catastrophe
The cold will now set me free
Waging in the name of the bliss; alteration
Devilish lust for the occult, oh my Lord
Other calls are sounding from my innermost sorrow
Sinews of anguish; architects of damnation
United in prayer we are free
Confident boost, self-appointed saviour
Intensifies our senseless behaviour
Ecstasy fills my body with turmoil
Hope of the trapped men does no longer survive
Save me from this catastrophe
The cold will now set me free
Waging in the name of the bliss; alteration
Devilish lust for the occult, oh my Lord
Other calls are sounding from my innermost sorrow
Sinews of anguish; architects of damnation
United in prayer we are free
Finalized plans for the termination of safety
Aura of power calls the tune
Objects to worship, interpretation of danger
Hours between this classic tragedy
Death in a battle as the eternal incentive
Dying like slaves in custody
Fall of a youth, behold the ribbons of sirens
Bitterness tasted to the full
Passion prevailing over logical clearness,
poisoned minds... you'll see who I am
History made of chaos;
killing the martyrs in their sleep...
we are all into deep
Eye of the needle is the path towards
free will for us all...
we're hearing the call
Putting up desperate resistance
against self-sacrifice...
hive of espionage
Save me from this catastrophe
The cold will now set me free
Waging in the name of the bliss; alteration
Devilish lust for the occult, oh my Lord
Other calls are sounding from my innermost sorrow
Sinews of anguish; architects of damnation
United in prayer we are free
All of my life I've been a slave to society,
slave to the daily grind and slave to my own mind
Gladly believing in promises from above,
mass hypnosis; the price of entry
Pity suppressed, the ambitions are flying high,
rise to power, monopolizing the truth
Misplaced idealism, powerful criticism;
hatched out of the same egg,
I'm a pawn in their deadly game
We are in command but not in control
Lavish parade of helpless dying frames
The land of dark forests is facing the end
Save me from this catastrophe
The cold will now set me free
Waging in the name of the bliss; alteration
Devilish lust for the occult, oh my Lord
Other calls are sounding from my innermost sorrow
Sinews of anguish; architects of damnation
United in prayer we are free
Confident boost, self-appointed saviour
Intensifies our senseless behaviour
Ecstasy fills my body with turmoil
Hope of the trapped men does no longer survive
Save me from this catastrophe
The cold will now set me free
Waging in the name of the bliss; alteration
Devilish lust for the occult, oh my Lord
Other calls are sounding from my innermost sorrow
Sinews of anguish; architects of damnation
United in prayer we are free
Finalized plans for the termination of safety
Aura of power calls the tune
Objects to worship, interpretation of danger
Hours between this classic tragedy
Death in a battle as the eternal incentive
Dying like slaves in custody
Fall of a youth, behold the ribbons of sirens
Bitterness tasted to the full
Passion prevailing over logical clearness,
poisoned minds... you'll see who I am
History made of chaos;
killing the martyrs in their sleep...
we are all into deep
Eye of the needle is the path towards
free will for us all...
we're hearing the call
Putting up desperate resistance
against self-sacrifice...
hive of espionage
Save me from this catastrophe
The cold will now set me free
Waging in the name of the bliss; alteration
Devilish lust for the occult, oh my Lord
Other calls are sounding from my innermost sorrow
Sinews of anguish; architects of damnation
United in prayer we are free
All of my life I've been a slave to society,
slave to the daily grind and slave to my own mind
Gladly believing in promises from above,
mass hypnosis; the price of entry
Pity suppressed, the ambitions are flying high,
rise to power, monopolizing the truth
Misplaced idealism, powerful criticism;
hatched out of the same egg,
I'm a pawn in their deadly game
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