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Dark Nightmare - Eternal Forest

Band: Dark Nightmare
Country of origin: Greece
Location: Grevena, West Macedonia
Formed in: 1999
Genre: Epic Heavy Metal
Lyrical themes: Mythology, Battles

Lyric video: "Eternal Forest"
Album: "Tortured Souls"
Type: Full length
Release date: April 27th, 2016
Label: Eat Metal Records
Format: CD

Track listing:
1. I-Life (03:53)
2. Crown of Innocence (04:47)
3. Eternal Forest (07:50)
4. Waiting for the Light (06:10)
5. Slaughter (06:17)
6. Land of Ashes (06:47)
7. Streets of Despair (05:30)
8. Borders of Pain (04:37)
9. Crimson 731 (08:35)

Band members:
Nikos Michalakakos - Bass
Dimos Konstantinidis - Drums
Yiannis Papadimitriou - Guitars, Vocals (lead), Songwriting, Lyrics
George Karagiannis - Keyboards

Despina Kleisiari - Vocals (track 9)
Stefanos Katsavos - Keyboards (track 9)
George "Samarithan G." - Guitars (lead) (track 1)

Miscellaneous staff:
Kostas Theoharis - Layout, Design
Μary S - Cover art
Orestis Petridis - Cover art
Elisa Van Beek - Photography
Alex Hristoforidis - Recording
Nikos Michalakakos - Recording
Kourdos - Recording
Tasos Karapapazoglou - Recording, Mixing, Mastering

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